Hello Folks,
In the last couple of week I felt very (extremely) lazy about all my hobby projects.
I got a laser (Femtolasik to be precise) surgeon on my right eye just to correct some degree of myopia and I keep off painting as much as possible.
Now I'm looking forward to the incoming vacations in order to keep up with my several WIPs...
On the top of all of them are my saga warbands, which I'd like to complete in a short time. I'm working on three of them, Anglo Danish, Anglo Saxon and Early Saxon. They are more or less based on similar kind of figures which I bought from Gripping Beast (nice, but not the best: rating 3 on 5) West Wind (very good sculpts, I like a lot the command set with Sutton-Hoo-ish warlord. Rating 4 on 5) and, best of all Footsore Miniature Early and Late Saxons (I really like these, 5 on 5 as they are extremely well sculpted, very good pose variety and well researched. Really, give a look).
Second, I'll dedicate some care to the Lebanon '82 project, which is a huge 3mm scenario with the outstanding Oddzial Osmy's minis but I'll came back on this another day).
Anyway, the most part of my hobby efforts will be dedicated to the project on title: I want to build from scratch a well researched, historically accurate Saxon Longhouse in 28mm (1/50 scale). And I want to build it in a sort of living archaeology manner. Using only natural materials taken from my treks and wandering (I'll do a lot of trekking and mountain walking during my vacation, usually).
I mean, I do not want to be 100% accurate with material (I will not use scale wooden plugs, but a more comfortable vinyl glue), but I don't want to make a fantasy/nordish house/mead hall/ Skyrim castle as we usually see on wargaming tables.
I want it realistic AND playable.
Will I success? I don't know yet, but I'll keep you posted.
here some examples of what I'm figuring...

In the last couple of week I felt very (extremely) lazy about all my hobby projects.
I got a laser (Femtolasik to be precise) surgeon on my right eye just to correct some degree of myopia and I keep off painting as much as possible.
Now I'm looking forward to the incoming vacations in order to keep up with my several WIPs...
On the top of all of them are my saga warbands, which I'd like to complete in a short time. I'm working on three of them, Anglo Danish, Anglo Saxon and Early Saxon. They are more or less based on similar kind of figures which I bought from Gripping Beast (nice, but not the best: rating 3 on 5) West Wind (very good sculpts, I like a lot the command set with Sutton-Hoo-ish warlord. Rating 4 on 5) and, best of all Footsore Miniature Early and Late Saxons (I really like these, 5 on 5 as they are extremely well sculpted, very good pose variety and well researched. Really, give a look).
Second, I'll dedicate some care to the Lebanon '82 project, which is a huge 3mm scenario with the outstanding Oddzial Osmy's minis but I'll came back on this another day).
Anyway, the most part of my hobby efforts will be dedicated to the project on title: I want to build from scratch a well researched, historically accurate Saxon Longhouse in 28mm (1/50 scale). And I want to build it in a sort of living archaeology manner. Using only natural materials taken from my treks and wandering (I'll do a lot of trekking and mountain walking during my vacation, usually).
I mean, I do not want to be 100% accurate with material (I will not use scale wooden plugs, but a more comfortable vinyl glue), but I don't want to make a fantasy/nordish house/mead hall/ Skyrim castle as we usually see on wargaming tables.
I want it realistic AND playable.
Will I success? I don't know yet, but I'll keep you posted.
here some examples of what I'm figuring...