I'm definitely not a compulsive wargamer... I do not buy the last ruleset on the market on day 1 nor do I start a new project every month to abandon it as soon as I got the minis in my mailbox...
But nonetheless, I fall in love very often for new periods, miniature lines, different scales and extravagant projects. So, I fear I can still be categorized on the compulsive/maniac side of the hobby... how sad...
The main difference is that I never (and I have to underline this word never) abandon or end a project.
I still regularly paint (and have game with) my first wargaming love: 1/72 plastic napoleonic with which I've began my career back in the early 90s.
The only big move on has came 5 years ago, when I did halt all my fantasy, sci-fi and GW, sold a part of them and definitely stuck myself on historical wargame only (and the only regret I feel is toward my local GW distributor, whose yearly balance has had a big flex due to my decision... sorry Igor!).
Therefore, I like to put a little order on my wargamers mind categorizing my actual and future WIP.
please consider that these projects would never meet an end. I firmly minded to continue to buy/paint/have games with all of them. It could be happen I'll left something behind for a short time. or even a long period break. But I think I'll find all these periods/projects still interesting and worthwhile in the next 10, 50, 100 years to come...
so, let start categorizing: I'll divide my projects in "actually playing", that means I have a very good selection of them painted and I've many games with them during the year (I do not play with unpainted/primed minis), "collecting and painting" which are developing projects, not yet arrived to a game or, sometimes, for which I haven't found an opponent and. "future interests" which group both seriously thought future projects and some itching extemporary inspiration from my fellows or from blogs...
what a dreadful category... so many future interests...
But nonetheless, I fall in love very often for new periods, miniature lines, different scales and extravagant projects. So, I fear I can still be categorized on the compulsive/maniac side of the hobby... how sad...
The main difference is that I never (and I have to underline this word never) abandon or end a project.
I still regularly paint (and have game with) my first wargaming love: 1/72 plastic napoleonic with which I've began my career back in the early 90s.
The only big move on has came 5 years ago, when I did halt all my fantasy, sci-fi and GW, sold a part of them and definitely stuck myself on historical wargame only (and the only regret I feel is toward my local GW distributor, whose yearly balance has had a big flex due to my decision... sorry Igor!).
Therefore, I like to put a little order on my wargamers mind categorizing my actual and future WIP.
please consider that these projects would never meet an end. I firmly minded to continue to buy/paint/have games with all of them. It could be happen I'll left something behind for a short time. or even a long period break. But I think I'll find all these periods/projects still interesting and worthwhile in the next 10, 50, 100 years to come...
so, let start categorizing: I'll divide my projects in "actually playing", that means I have a very good selection of them painted and I've many games with them during the year (I do not play with unpainted/primed minis), "collecting and painting" which are developing projects, not yet arrived to a game or, sometimes, for which I haven't found an opponent and. "future interests" which group both seriously thought future projects and some itching extemporary inspiration from my fellows or from blogs...
- 15 mm WWII, mainly from battlefront, for Flames of War games (that is my most played system, actually, I'm also involved in tournaments...).
- 28 mm WWII, warlords, artizan, offensive miniatures, that I'm playing with Bolt Action rules (but I'm thinking to give a try to the new Chain of Command from the TooFatLardies guys...)
- 1/2400 WWI naval wargame, with model exclusively from GHQ, using Naval Thunder rules
- 1/72 napoleonics, various plastic soldiers companies, with Lasalle ruleset
- 10 mm Franco Prussian War and 1866 wars, mainly from Pendraken, but with some raids on Magister Militum camp, this is a well set project, with other 3 guys actively painting their armies in order to have, in a short time, some big clashes using 1866/70 rules.
- 6 mm Yom Kippur War, with GHQ 1/285 models. Still uncertain on rules, Cold War Commander or A Fistful of TOWs? we'll see... we'd like to have a game on october, just to give a commemorative tribute...
- 28mm Old West from Artizan... but just a small skirmish band of 10 7th Cav. soldiers.
- 15 mm napoleonics from AB ranges... just for painting sake.
- 1/1200 napoleonic ship of the line, Langton and GHQ... how lovely are these models... I've even find a new opponent...
- 1/2400 WWII naval on pacific front. GHQ models at various stage between mounting, priming and thinking on colour scheme...
- 1/285 WWII aircrafts, GHQ and Raiden miniature stuff. very lovely, I'll play with Bag the Huns 2 rules as soon as I get someone to involve in...
- 28 mm (or more closely 30 mm), WWI early war english army from Renegade miniatures.
- a small Dystopian War french fleet (yes I know, I've said no more fantasy nor sci-fi on my workbench... but these are so lovely...)
- ... and from the bottom of my models drawer, some very old projects: a late roman army in 15 mm (Magister Militum) and very old 25 mm Foundry Carthaginians, originally thought for WAB.
what a dreadful category... so many future interests...
- I'm spotting, almost everyday, on the web for Eureka' and Old Glory 15s' Seven Year War Prussian, French and Austrian... I think this new project is very close to step up to the above category...
- I'd like to give a try to the AK47 Republic ruleset from Peter Pig, with a couple of armies from their beautiful range...
- 1/1200 ironclads from various sources for Lissa... no idea which rules nor against whom to play.
- 1/600 Thoroughbred's ironclads. Really like to put together two small river fleets and let them discuss their points of view about federal politic on the game tables...