domenica 21 luglio 2013


wow, a whole new blog related to... wargames! again...
OK, ok, I know... there are so (too) many blogs on the net, I've more then 35 bookmarked on varius PCs and I visit them only once-twice in a year. most of them.
But there are some (a bunch, a fistfull, a score), that I visit more often. weekly or, even, daily.
I was wondering about this peculiar idiosyncracy (why, in the hell, I'm so fond of same blogs instead of a healty pornsite...?), and I managed to find the answer: they are inspiring.
And I mean, really inspiring. visiting some of those, I've been sucked in whole new projects, periods, rulesets. I've found buckets of beautiful pics of wonderfully painted miniatures, right when I was in need of them.
therefore, I've decided to start my own blog, in the hope to get the same quality level of those.

another, quite important, reason is related to my need of record keeping. I've so many open projects (and no one truly ended, I'm still adding units to my 1/72 plastic napoleonics which were my first step in wargaming, 25 years ago), and I feel the need to track them and to give them some nice labels on the bottom bar of this page.
So, keep following and, please, comment, comment and again comment. even if only to remark a grammar error on a post (not joking, as english is not my mother-tongue, I'd really like to be corrected any time you'd feel it necessary)

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